CAMPAGNA OLEARIA 2019/2020 – Olio Licinius


Coldiretti Molise, in the region less quantity more quality

More quality but less quantity. These to date are the forecasts for the upcoming oil campaign that is about to start in Molise as well. In contrast to the national figure, which forecasts an increase in oil production of up to 80 percent, after last year's collapse, in the region production is expected to decline by 30 percent, with peaks of up to 50 percent depending on the area of production:

In the face of a decrease, however, an increase in oil quality is expected since, so far, the fruits have not suffered, as happened in the past, from attacks by the oil fly.

The decrease in production is certainly attributable to weather conditions. "As it will be recalled -Coldiretti explains- the spring period when the olive blossoms, was characterized by persistent rains that hindered the setting of the flowers, which at this stage turn into fruit. A rainy spring was then followed by a torrid and dry summer; a circumstance that although stressing the plants did not allow the oil fly to attack the fruits."